Seebach Jörg Dieter
Institution: Geneva University Hospitals HUG and University of Geneva
Research group: Translational immunology
Type of research:
DetailsSimon Christian
Institution: Lausanne University Hospital CHUV
Research group: Head & neck cancer research
Type of research:
DetailsSpeiser Daniel
Institution: Lausanne University Hospital CHUV and University of Lausanne
Research group: Tumor immune biology and immunotherapy
Type of research:
DetailsSpertini Olivier
Institution: Lausanne University Hospital CHUV
Research group: Recherche en hématologie
Type of research:
DetailsTamburini Jérôme
Institution: Geneva University Hospitals HUG and University of Geneva
Research group: Leukemias and lymphomas
Type of research:
DetailsTang Li
Institution: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne EPFL
Research group: Biomaterials for immunoengineering
Type of research:
DetailsThome-Miazza Margot
Institution: University of Lausanne
Research group: Thome-Miazza
Type of research:
DetailsTolstonog Genrich
Institution: Lausanne University Hospital CHUV
Research group: Oto-rhino-laryngologie et chirurgie cervico-faciale
Type of research:
DetailsToso Christian
Institution: Geneva University Hospitals HUG and University of Geneva
Research group: Transplantation and hepatology
Type of research:
DetailsTsoutsou Pelagia
Institution: Geneva University Hospitals HUG
Research group:
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