
Bourquin Carole

Institution: University of Geneva

Research group: Immunopharmacology of Cancer

Type of research: Fundamental and Translational

Bourquin Carole

Brisken Cathrin

Institution: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne EPFL

Research group: Endocrine control of breast carcinogenesis

Type of research:

Brisken Cathrin

Bucher Philipp

Institution: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne EPFL and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics SIB

Research group: Computational cancer genomics

Type of research:

Bucher Philipp

Buclin Thierry

Institution: Lausanne University Hospital CHUV and University of Lausanne

Research group: Clinical pharmacology

Type of research:

Buclin Thierry

Bunne, Charlotte

Institution: Computer and Communication Sciences, Institut Suisse de Recherche Expérimentale sur le Cancer ISREC, and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne EPFL

Research group: AIMM

Type of research: Clinical, Fundamental, and Translational

Bunne, Charlotte

Caparrotti Francesca

Institution: Geneva University Hospitals HUG

Research group:

Type of research:

Caparrotti Francesca

Ceppi Francesco

Institution: Lausanne University Hospital CHUV

Research group: Pediatric Oncology – Leukemia/Lymphoma & Cellular therapy (CAR T Cells

Type of research: Clinical

Ceppi Francesco

Chalandon Yves

Institution: Geneva University Hospitals HUG and University of Geneva

Research group: Leucémie et transplantation allogénique de cellules souches

Type of research:

Chalandon Yves

Ciriello Giovanni

Institution: University of Lausanne

Research group: Computational & systems oncology

Type of research:

Ciriello Giovanni

Cohen Marie

Institution: University of Geneva

Research group: Gynaecological tumor and development biology

Type of research:

Cohen Marie

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